On Saturday, 9 June 2012, Lazuardi Cordova just had the Year End Performance (so-called P.A.T)in Ruang Serba Guna (Assembly Hall), Mercu Buana University, South Meruya. The themes presented here were "Four Season Make A Year" by the Pre-Schoolers and Kindergartners , and "the World Heritage" by the Primary students."Four Seasons Make A Year" was about the four seasons - Summer, Winter, Spring and Autumn/Fall- in a year that was represented by some characteristics of the seasons such as falling leaves, snow and kind of. It was a dance perfomance that was awesomely presented by the Pre-Schoolers and Kindergartners. "The World Heritage" on the other hands, is a series of performance that were brought by Elementary students. Grade 1 (Borobudur Class) performed the dance entitled "Kita Bisa" (theme song of Sea Games. Grade 2 (Pyramid Class) performed a dance that represent Egypt culture. Grade 3 (Al-Hamra Class) class performed poem and singing that represent the glory of Al-Hamra.Grade 4 (Taj Mahal Class) performed "Jai-hoo!! dance that represented the Indian culture. Grade 5 performed a rather different performance entitled "Opera Fun China" as a parody of the famous Opera Van Java - OVJ. And finally Grade 6 (Eiffel Tower Class) performed a drama/pantomim about respecting other people. All the children were enthusiastic in delivering their performances. We're so proud of you kids!!^^.