Sunday, 15 November 2009

Asswrwb, dear parents , Insya Allah on Nov 25th we will present a performance called "pentas budaya : a touch of Jogja and Sulawesi" at our school. Please come and have fun with all the children , performances and bazaar. Open for public.On Dec 4th we will have Parents Sharing session with Mr Munif Chatif ( writer of "Sekolahnya Manusia) at our school titled "The growth of brain and talents of children". This is also open for public, Fees applied.We also open registration for 2010/2011 intake, get this rare special discount !For further info pls...

Tuesday, 27 January 2009


Ass. Wr. Wb.Dear parents,For all parents looking to give their children the best childhood and early education, please come to our LAZCOR (Lazuardi Cordova, a franchisee of Lazuardi GIS Cinere) FAIR on 31 Jan 2009, from 8.00 – 12.00 . We are located at Jl Meruya Selatan 27, ph. 5873810.There will be science fair, fun competition, seminar on financial planning for education fund from BSM. Our school is kindergarten and elementary school (starting from 2yo), a national plus, Islamic and implementing Cambridge International Primary Program (CIPP),...

Sunday, 18 January 2009

advertorial di Republika jumat

Asswrwb,dear parents,sehubungan dengan Penerimaan Siswa Baru dan beberapa event di Lazuardi GIS dan Lazuardi Cordova, kami memasang advertorial dan artikel2 ttg Lazuardi di suplemen Dialog Jumat harian Republika tertanggal 9 dan 16 Januari 2009.Btw, ada penundaan kepindahan Tk ke puri menjadi tanggal 26 Januari karena beberapa pekerjaan tertunda karena cuaca.Berikut adalah artikel di Republika tanggal 16 Januari 2009.MENGAJARKAN AGAMA, MENANAMKAN AKHLAK”Agama adalah akhlak” (Hadis)Sejak dini, anak-anak kita perlu dilibatkan dalam praktik. Meski...

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

New facilities

There are new facilities at lazuardi cordova ;1. New slide at kindergarten area where children can slide, climb from the sides and crawl underneath .2. 5 units of computer has arrived, adding new facilities to computer classroom.3. New "joglo" directly from Solo is about to finish and in a few days will be able to be used for gathering and performances.4. New building with 4 classrooms will be ready shortly , hope we can all get together by 19th of January 2009... c u cutey kindy student...

Saturday, 3 January 2009

The commitment

We are committed to making Lazuardi Cordova a World Class school where children can learn in a fun and playful environment and be recognized as a unique individual. Lazuardi GIS cinere has become one of the centre of Cambridge Examination and Cordova has a strong commitment of making children and teachers use English as the second language at school environment. English has been used as language of instruction in Math, Science, English and Health subjects since grade 1 of Elementary Scho...

This is only the beginning

Awal 2006, Lazuardi Cordova GIS didirikan dengan tujuan untuk menyediakan sarana pendidikan anak usia dini, yaitu Pra TK, TK hingga SD yang berwawasan global, islami dan menggunakan metode active learning dan multiple intelligence. Pada awalnya, Yayasan Bakhtera Lazuardi Cordova (BLC) menyewa sebuah bangunan di daerah Puri Kembangan, Jakarta Barat.Alhamdulillah, pada bulan Mei 2008 Lazuardi Cordova GIS telah menempati gedung sendiri di jalan Meruya Selatan no 27, Jakarta Bar...