Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The Celebration of Prophet Muhammad PUBH (SAW) Birthday

On 3 February, 2012. Lazuardi Cordova GIS West Jakarta celebrated the birthday of prophet Muhammad PBUH (SAW). The event presented some performances like shalawat and singing from the students of Lazuardo Cordova. After the performance, the event then be continued with dua, led by mr.Harlih (therapist of Iza grade 6). The event was finally closed with enjoying the potluck by the both the teaching staffs and the students.

Mr. Aji with Irfan (grade 3 Al-Hamra) gave some meal
(potluck) to some people live around the school.

Kids were so excited to have some sightseeing during the potluck giving.

Grade 2, Pyramid was performing some dance with singing.
A beautiful performance from Pre-school and Kindergarten

Ms. Haiva was giving an opening speech

Andrew (G1) and Salma (G4) were reciting the Holy Al-Qur'an and reading out the meaning.

the students were listening the host explaining the message behind the celebration of the prophet's birthday.