After long holiday, finally on Monday, 16 July 2012 the kids got back to school. There were old faces, and some new faces. Some still looked the same, others looked bigger :). Yet, they all looked excited to get back to school again and met their friends. The first week of new academic year was not started directly into the lesson, the students had orientation instead. They were held in the first 2 days. During orientation days, the kids had some interesting activities to welcome they for getting back to this school. In the first day, the activities were mainly aimed to let the students know the school belief and rules. The students also made their own class belief/classroom rules. They were also introduced to students in other classes to class visits. Besides visiting the classes, the students were also got a chance to know the rooms at school, like the new library (now its name is "Library and Audio Visual Room")and "Discovery Room" (previously named "Science Lab"). Students looked happy and enthusiastic in joining all the activities during the orientation days. may this condition lasts to the days ahead :). Once again, welcome back to school kids !^_^
Discovery Room ^. Outbond during orientation days Outbond Grade 5 Sapphire were taking a look inside the Discovery Room Syafiq and Hafizh were enjoying a book together in the library during rooms visits. TK B was having a snack time G1 was having a snacktime